In: Tow Rope Heroes

Alyvia Hammond, Havre

Alyvia is a 3rd grader. She has a heart of gold and wanted to do something to support the nurses. She made bracelets and sold them at her mom’s store to buy coffee gift cards for the nurses


Amber Spring, Havre

Coordinated community discussions on effects of COVID, mental health, delivered meals for front line health care people, and brought meals to coworkers who were quarantined.

Ben Franklin Crafts – Havre

They really stepped up even when closed due to restrictions that they went above and beyond to help bring in supplies to make the masks. They did curb side pickup, took orders for fabric from people who didn’t sew but wanted to help, they helped cut fabric for people, made kits for people to sew at home.

Bob Bergren, Havre

Bob started a community help website page and organized toilet paper for people, lawn work, delivery of food, snow removal, help with groceries all of the above. Pretty much a “name your need and we will help” kind of person.

Brandy Kurtz, Havre

Brandy Kurtz is the secretary of Bearpaw Bowmen, Secretary at ELKs, Secretary of softball association, VFW women’s aux, serves on Northern Alumni Association and Gives a lot of time. Veteran’s chairman at ELKs, puts on annual picnic for first responders in the spring. Coordinates a ‘giving tree’ for Vets.


Casey Peterson Solomon, Milk River Reproduction

Casey is a local veterinarian who runs Milk River Reproductions and ranches with her family. With a shortage of veterinarians in the area as well as across Montana, she applied for a loan and grant through Bear Paw Economic Development and will be breaking ground this year on a new facility that will allow her to serve more producers as well as create more jobs for her community. She understands how important it is for ranchers to continue growing their income streams and diversifying. Notably, Casey is one of the only veterinarians in the state who can export embryos internationally.




Dave Shepard, IGA / Senior Center

Dave contacted the Health Department about what needs there might be.  They told him grocery services.  He organized online ordering and groceries for anyone who needed it through IGA and Senior Center. Didn’t need to be a senior or high risk.  IGA and Senior Center stepped up and started offering this service for no charge to the community.  IGA coordinated with the senior center to have delivery for community members who couldn’t make it to IGA. IGA figured out how to offer this service and still allow community members to do this with WIC and Food Stamps.  The senior center also doesn’t charge for delivery.  Dave was huge in coordinating this effort.

Don Miller – Gilford

Don serves in the water and sewer board, and is up early every morning checking the system. Don has helped put together several community clean up days, and even if its not a community wide event, you can find Don plowing snow for others during the winter, mowing vacant lots during the summer, and inspiring his neighbors to chip in. Don has stepped back to care for his wife, but he has set forth a precedent that his neighbors plan to carry on. Kudos to you Don, it has been a pleasure to be your neighbor!

Hunter Cramer, Hingham

Always willing to help someone that needs it. Help a rancher get his cattle back home and kept them off the highway. Took on the responsibility of taking care of her mom and dad.


Janine Donoven & Wendy Gerky

Janine figured out how to use engraving machine for cutting masks. After a lot of trial and error she figured out they could do this. Worked with fabric store owner, Wendy Gerky to source the fabric.






Bernadete Jensen, Northern Broadcasting (Left) and Lindsey Lorang (Right)

Lindsay Lorang – Havre

During the pandemic, evictions have been especially problematic in Montana for our most vulnerable neighbors. Starting in the fall of 2020, the Montana Legal Services Association recieved funding to pay private attorneys a reduced rate to help clients facing evictions. One of the attorneys MLSA has partnered with is Lindsay. She has taken on some of the most heartbreaking and demanding cases that have come through MLSA. She represents clients in Havre, and takes cases staewide when they cannot be placed with another local attorney.She has worked terlessly to help her clients and goes aboce and beyond in her care and concern for them. She is truly our hero and we are so grateful for her dedication to helping Montanans stay safe and housed during the pandemic.


Munya and Lori Takawira, Havre

Munya is the pastor of the Community Alliance Church. They partner with 180 Disaster Relief & Farmers to Families Program. They coordinated multiple food boxes to the community and arranged delivery of the boxes to community members who were not able to make it to the church to pick up.

Peggy Kimmet, Rudyard

Peggy made masks for the ambulance crews as well as school districts. When COVID started, she made sure our local EMT’s and nurses had masks to protect themselves. She cleaned out her fabric stash helping others be safe. People delivered fabric to her after her supplies ran out to keep sewing. Peggy made 754 of them which was weeks of work and never charged a dime.


Shelma Seidel, Havre Public Library (Left) and Tom Schultz, Host of Voices of Montana (Right)

Shelma Seidel, Havre

Shelma has been a part of many organizations. She is a librarian, she has played a major role in 4H, she volunteers at church, and she volunteers her time to anyone who needs it. There are so many great qualities and attributes about Shelma that I could go on forever, but Shelma is smart, patient, kind, friendly, and funny. If there were more Shelma’s in the world life would be a million times better.





Theresa Zoren, Havre

Theresa is the owner of The Key (clothing store). Theresa organized a community effort collecting donations in order to provide gifts to area nurses. Small gifts were meant to encourage and thank the group of medical staff for their tireless efforts over the height of the pandemic.



Michael & Erin Garrity, Triple Dog Brewing, Havre

Erin and Michael are big supporters of the community, donating to multiple events and fundraisers. They supported the Friends of Havre Animal Shelter by putting pictures of adopted dogs on their cans and donated 25-cents for each purchase. They also do a Mutt of the Month program where the brewery pays for the adoption of a pet.

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