In: Tow Rope Heroes

Ben Widhalm – Shelby

Ben has been nominated for his work in the Shelby area.  He is very dedicated to helping maintain the flag flying over Shelby and is an asset to the community.


Dwaine Iverson – Shelby

Creator of Toole County Forward, a group recognized early on in the pandemic that businesses were worried about surviving in the age of amazon and they had to find money quickly. They solicited local funds and some funds from department of commerce to put together grant funding to get local businesses through. Program included minting their own coins to redeem at local establishments.


Jamie Brownell – CEO Marias Healthcare Services, Dr. Todd Gianarelli, Dr. Justin Hooker

Jamie would like to recognize Dr. G and Dr. Hooker for stepping up their leadership roles during the pandemic. Dr. G worked with UW Med Center out of Seattle to develop protocols for patient care and all community medical staff. Dr. Hooker is a podiatrist that was asked to take the role of the County Health Lead. He was head of contract tracing, worked with school board and city officials. Both Drs went above and beyond their call of duty to keep staff and the community safe and informed.


Judy Richmond, Shelby

Former Director, Marias Heritage Center, a 38 apartment, state licensed assisted living facility. Judy had retired shortly before the pandemic, but came out of retirement and moved into the center for five weeks, to help her former clients get through a difficult time


Kim Mortz – Conrad

Kim has tirelessly raised a lot of babies in the Conrad area. For parents to have a person they trust, and can drop their kiddos off and have the peace of mind that their little ones will be well taken care of is a huge deal. It is a tremendous responsibility and work, and Kim does it with a smile throughout every day.


Korey & Wendy Fauque

This couple do great things for the North Toole County community. They help organize events like All Class Reunions, always volunteer to help. Korey is a valued speaker at the Montana Next Generation Conference. They bring new and innovative information about agriculture to our area. Wendy is a wonder as she is the farmer and rancher. She works hard and tries new ways and has great projects going. She is an encourager to young women who marry into the farming and ranching community to not just stand on the sidelines but to dig in and become part of the operation. She is a doer.


Kris Ingenthron – GM Marias River Electric Co-Op and Duane Drogitis, Retired military vet.

Co-Op donates electricity for lighting the flag and equipment to help with flag maintenance. Duane is one of the team members who helps with flag maintenance and raises and lowers flag in accordance to federal proclamations. Flag receives no federal monies and supported entirely by monetary donations and service time from the group of military vets.


Lindsey Habets, Shelby

Lindsey helped create Marias River Livestock Breeding Project Awards to inspire 4-H kids to develop a breeding project that will become foundational for the future breeding of their herd. Awards are based on animal scoring and interviewing skills. She also volunteers time for the Yellowstone Cattle Women and is an incredible person.


Lynn Noble – Conrad

Maria’s Greenhouse is a favorite place of the community. Early spring time in Montana can be a little lacking of color, and to be able to visit a place with such beautiful plants is a great treat. Lynn and her staff are so welcoming and kind, and it’s so great to be able to take a little bit of that beauty home to plant and enjoy.


Mac McDermott – Shelby

Nominated for a lot of volunteerism surrounding youth such as being the Girl’s basketball coach and president of the booster club.

Maggie Nutter – Shelby

For being the kind of neighbor always willing to help. She does so much for our community.


Myron Frydenlund – Shelby

Myron is a Tow Rope Hero – he has volunteered on the Toole County Ambulance crew since the early 1970’s, His dedication to the town often goes unnoticed, as well as the effort of all of the EMT’s who give their time. He is always willing to help out a friend or a stranger alike, with literally anything he is able to do. Such as replace a hot water heater, fix a window, unlock a car in a blizzard, and of course he has towed his fair share to help anyone in need.


Pete Bludworth – Crossroads Correctional Center

Pete has been nominated for his work at the correctional facility, working to keep inmates connected to the community through area service projects.


Robyn Kimmett – TLC Catering

Former nurse – switched careers and bought catering business, TLC in start of pandemic. Helped local high school clubs do fund-raising events last year. Participated in Lions Club chili feed for benefit of local family. Donated proceeds from catering at Farmer’s Market to different non-profits who helped serve and cook, raising more than $4,000 over that 5-week period. Provided meals at sporting events when concessions were disallowed due to pandemic.

Stefanie Leach – Ledger

Stefanie is an aid at the school in Chester, MT. This last fall when ther were short an FFA advisor, she stepped up and volunteered so the kids were able to compete in FFA. The kids have been to judgings, as well as District and State Conventions, all because she’s given them her time. She’s also volunteered a lot of time with the 4H programs in the area and the county fair in Shelby. She makes time for all of this while still teaching at the school and spending hours working sheep and lambing with her husband and daughters. She could really use a new mower too!

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