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Gray Wolves

Local Businesses Worry Wolf Hunting Is Affecting Their Business

30 businesses near Yellowstone National Park are raising concerns about the hunting of wolves emerging from the park setting off bells for wildlife-related businesses in the region. They have writing to Interior Secretary Deb Halland to return endangered-species protections to gray wolves. Cary McGary is owner and lead guide for In Our Nature ...

20 Gray Wolves From Yellowstone National Park Killed

Twenty gray wolves who roamed from Yellowstone National Park in recent months were shot by hunters the most killed by hunting in a single season since the predators were reintroduced to the region more than 25 years ago. According to the Associated Press fifteen were shot after roaming across the park’s northern border into Montana. Five more ...

Congressman Rosendale Proposes Amendments To De-List Bears, Wolves & Sage Grouse

While gray wolves are under pressure from a federal delisting and increased hunting in some Rocky Mountain states, wildlife officials heard a number of detailed options Thursday in Lamar Colorado. They heard from a technical working group composed of various federal agencies and wolf experts from Montana and Oregon. Representative Matt Rosenda...

Federal Judge To Hear Arguments In Favor Of Wolf Hunts

U.S. government attorneys will appear before a federal judge today to defend a decision from the last days of the Trump administration to lift protections for gray wolves across most of the nation. Wildlife advocates argue the state-sponsored hunts including in Montana, Idaho and Wisconsin could reverse the gray wolf’s recovery over the ...