In: Shadow of the Rockies

Pilgrim Creek is a major tributary of Belt Creek. Besides the wide crossing at Belt Creek, there are numerous stream crossings that may be deep, swift, and cold during spring runoff. From the North Pilgrim Creek Trailhead (Trail # 304), you will enter a stand of ponderosa pine, as the trail follows the slopes below towering limestone cliffs. You will drop into Belt Creek at the mouth of Pilgrim Creek after 1.5 miles. After the ford, you will pass by a cabin as the trail gradually climbs up the narrow canyon. You will encounter a series of waterfalls before the trail ascends high on the canyon slopes.


After two miles, the trail again crosses Pilgrim Creek, and the creek bottom becomes wider. You can stroll through a lovely forest of mixed conifer, aspen, cottonwood, and alder. At the five mile mark, you will reach the junction of trails 304 and 315 at Circle Gulch. This is the turn-around spot, unless you wish to continue for a few more miles of old growth forest and cool, shaded creek bottom.

Getting Here

From Great Falls, take HWY 87 18 miles east to Armington Junction rest stop. Turn right and take HWY 89 south ten miles to Sluice Box State Park, and turn right onto the Evans-Riceville road. After 8 miles, turn left onto Lick Creek Road # 67. Another 4.5 miles takes you to Logging Creek road # 839. Turn left and go 2.5 miles to the North Pilgrim Creek Trailhead.

Trail Features

Canyon / Coulee


Old Growth Forest

River / Stream







Trail Surface



Vehicle Access to Trailhead

May need high clearance

Shown in Map or Guidebook

Recreation and Travel Map Little Belt Mountains

Little Belt Mountains Motorized Travel Map 2014

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