The Montana Department of Transportation is getting nearly $72 million in federal funding to help repair the state’s aging infrastructure. The Federal Highway Administration funds became available when other state transportation departments and federal programs were unable to spend money set aside for them prior to the end of the federal fiscal year.
Flathead Lake sat at full pool this summer following a dry 2023 season that saw its water level plunge to record lows. That year the water level fell from June 11th on leaving businesses on the lake to struggle and boat owners without the ability to dock their watercraft. Cooler temperatures in 2024 meant a slower snowmelt and this May the lake’s water supply volume was 68% of a typical year.
Average gasoline prices in Montana have fallen 2.2¢ per gallon in the last week and according to GasBuddy dot com they were an average of $3.30 a gallon Monday. Prices are 13.9 cents lower than a month ago and 86.7 cents less than a year.
Billings Parks and Recreation has completed the installation of new sails on Skypoint in downtown Billings following week-long road closures downtown. Skypoint is one of the most recognizable landmarks in the Magic City.
The Montana VA Health Care System has expanded healthcare services at the Butte VA Clinic and the Travis W. Atkins VA Clinic in Bozeman. Audiology services began in mid-August with Physical Therapy services beginning last week.
The first ever Livingston Songwriter Festival will take place in locations all over town Friday and Saturday, October 4th and 5th. It will feature hit songwriters from Nashville and rising stars from Montana performing in songwriter rounds sharing songs and stories.