In: Shadow of the Rockies

Big game hunter check stations will be in operation across Montana beginning this weekend and continue through the general rifle season. 

General big game season runs from Oct. 23 through Nov. 28.

Hunters must stop at check stations that they pass, even if they have not harvested any animals. For hunters without game, the check station process will be very quick and simple.  The check station operated by FWP along Main Street in Augusta is the only biological check station in Region 4, and operates seven days a week from 5:30 a.m. to 9 p.m.

Additionally, in northwestern, northcentral, southwestern and southcentral Montana, FWP will be operating CWD (Chronic Wasting Disease) sampling stations. In FWP Region 4, sampling stations will operate at the following locations from 10 a.m. until one hour past sunset on Saturday thru Tuesday.  The CWD sampling stations are closed Wednesday thru Friday:

• Shelby:  Hwy 2 at site of former Shopko store

• Fort Benton:  Intersection of highways 386 and 87 one mile west of Fort Benton

• Grass Range:  Hwy 200 a quarter-mile west of its intersection with Hwy 87

FWP is also ready to help hunters sample their deer, elk or moose for CWD at our offices, and hunters may bring their animals to the Region 4 Headquarters building at 4600 Giant Springs Road from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday thru Friday. 

Having your animal sampled for CWD is voluntary. Hunters may also collect their own samples and have them tested free of charge, if they pay shipping to the laboratory. 

For more information on CWD along with how to collect and ship samples, please look online at 

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