In: Shadow of the Rockies

The Wyoming Game and Fish Department is partnering with the Bureau of Land Management to improve mule deer habitat on the Pinedale Mesa south of Pinedale and could use some help from volunteers. Overgrown, unproductive sagebrush is being removed in places and being replaced with over 2,700 seedlings of preferred browse species including chokecherry, currant and serviceberry.

On Saturday, August 28, Game and Fish is seeking volunteers to assist in installing temporary protective tree tubes that help seedlings establish while preventing browsing pressure. While these important habitats are valuable to many species of wildlife, these mountain shrubs will provide mule deer valuable nutrition during critical migrations and help them survive difficult winters. For additional details please contact Pinedale Habitat Biologist Kerry Gold at the Pinedale Game and Fish Office at (307) 367-4353 or


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