In: Shadow of the Rockies

The Wyoming Game and Fish Commission will be meeting in Cody, March 16-17. The public is invited to attend in person or via ZOOM video conferencing and will have a chance to comment on each specific agenda item and can speak to the Commission about any matter, regardless of their attendance method.


For those who would like to attend in person, the meeting will be held at the Holiday Inn at Buffalo Bill Village Resort, 1701 Sheridan Avenue. The meeting will follow state public gathering recommendations, and masks are required if social distancing is not possible.


The Commission will be asked to vote on preliminary approval of the FY 2022 budget and will elect a new president and vice president. Commissioners will also hear informational presentations and updates on several items including the construction of the new Cody Regional Office, current research, monitoring, management and conflict activities of Wyoming’s large carnivores and the Access Yes program.  


On Wednesday, Game and Fish will update the Commission on the department’s elk feedgrounds public engagement process. Game and Fish, along with contracted facilitator Tara Kuipers of Cody, recently finalized Phase I of the ongoing effort and summarized the first stage of feedback in a report, available on the Game and Fish Feedgrounds webpage. The commission will hear an overview of the report and how the department will carry out for Phase II, slated to include shared-learning events and extensive discussions with a diverse group of stakeholders. These efforts will help drive the development of a long-term elk feedgrounds management plan for Game and Fish. 


To participate via ZOOM, links to join the meeting for each day are available on the Commission webpage. A phone option is available.The full agenda with all presentations is available on the Game and Fish website. Learn more and watch on the Commission webpage.


The State of Wyoming supports the Americans with Disabilities Act. Anyone needing auxiliary aids should contact the Game and Fish at (307) 777-4501. Every effort will be made for reasonable accommodations.


(Sara DiRienzo (307-777-4540))

– WGFD –

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