In: Shadow of the Rockies


NDGF, USDA Partner to Help Landowners with CRP Offers


The U.S. Department of Agriculture is accepting applications for its voluntary Conservation Reserve Program. Private landowners can sign up at their local USDA Farm Service Agency office through Feb. 12.


This popular USDA program provides options for environmentally sensitive land by reducing soil erosion and improving water quality, but it also provides significant benefits to wildlife populations through the habitat it creates. The habitat created by CRP makes it a great fit for the Game and Fish Department’s Private Land Open To Sportsmen program.


“Game and Fish has partnered with the USDA Farm Service Agency to help producers learn more about CRP and options available to them,” said North Dakota Game and Fish private land section supervisor Kevin Kading.  


Landowners can also request to be contacted by a Game and Fish private land biologist to learn more about additional incentives and cost-share for allowing walk-in hunting access to their CRP through PLOTS. 


Pronghorn Hunting Season Statistics


Hunter success during last fall’s pronghorn hunting season was 76%, according to statistics provided by the North Dakota Game and Fish Department.


Game and Fish issued 1,782 licenses (1,108 lottery and 674 gratis), and 1,572 hunters took 1,199 pronghorn, consisting of 1,044 bucks, 137 does and 18 fawns. Each hunter spent an average of three days afield.


The 2021 pronghorn hunting season will be determined in July.


Hunting and Fishing Legislation


The North Dakota Game and Fish Department will once again track hunting and fishing issues during the 2021 legislative session.


Interested outdoor enthusiasts can follow proposed outdoor related bills by visiting the Game and Fish website, gf. nd. gov

A brief description of each bill will be included. To view the bill in its entirety, click on the linked bill number.

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