With recent precipitation received in the area, Game and Fish personnel have lifted the fire ban on Wyoming Game and Fish Commission-owned and managed lands in Sheridan County and on the Sand Creek Wildlife Habitat Management Area (WHMA) in Crook County. These areas include the Tongue River Canyon Public Access Area and the Amsden and Kerns wildlife habitat management areas.
Fire bans on Commission lands in Johnson County remain in place, including on the Bud Love and Ed O. Taylor wildlife habitat management areas.
Additionally, recent snow has created difficult travel conditions on some WHMA roads in Sheridan and Johnson counties. In particular, roads on Amsden and Kerns are icy and snow-covered. The Kerns road was closed at the TR Bench Saddle on Oct. 23 to prevent damage to the road and surrounding vegetation from off-road travel.
Motorized access to Amsden and Kerns closes annually beginning on Nov. 1. However, if weather conditions keep the roads snow covered, further vehicle access may be closed prior to the Nov. 1 date. Anyone accessing these areas in the next several days, should be prepared to travel in on foot or horseback if roads close early.
The areas close annually to all human presence beginning Nov. 16.
– WGFD –