In: Shadow of the Rockies

A man was injured by a grizzly bear on Saturday, May 16 while looking for shed antlers in the Wyoming Game and Fish Commission’s Kirk Inberg/Kevin Roy Wildlife Habitat Management Area east of Dubois. The man was taken to an area hospital for treatment. Fortunately, the injuries sustained are not life-threatening.


Game and Fish personnel in the area immediately responded to the scene. The on-site investigation revealed the attack was a surprise encounter with a female grizzly bear accompanied by yearling offspring. The female bear was killed during the encounter which is pending further investigation with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. No bears were present when investigators returned to the site of the attack. There are no further management actions planned at this time.


“Our thoughts are with the individual who was injured, and we wish him a full and speedy recovery,” said Lander Regional Wildlife Supervisor Jason Hunter. “Even those who are very comfortable and savvy in the outdoors can be surprised by a bear. With this in mind, we continue to encourage anyone recreating in bear country to remain alert.”


This is the second human injured by a bear this spring in Wyoming. The first was on May 1 near Cody.

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