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Student Loans

Student-loan Program Provides Benefits To Public Servants

Changes to the student-loan program for public-service employees called the Public Service Loan Forgiveness program erases student debt for public servants after they make ten years of payments. That opens the door to as many as 500,000 Americans including Violet Hopkins, an academic advisor at the University of Montana who had about $80,000 i...

Financial Advisor Breaks Down Montana Student Loan Budget

Next February, the federal government is set to end its moratorium on collection of student loan payments. An estimated 100,000 Montana bowers owe an average of about $30,00 both in federal and private loans. Greg Harper is a financial capabilities counselor with Rural Dynamics, a Great Falls based financial nonprofit. He breaks down how much ...

Student Loan Payments To Restart Early Next Year

Student-loan borrowers have had a reprieve from making payments during the pandemic but that’s set to end starting in February. Greg Harper is a financial capabilities counselor with Rural Dynamics, a Great-Falls based financial nonprofit. He has a plan of action for anyone with student debt.

Montanans On The Hook For Over $4 Billion In Student Loans

Montana borrowers owe a cumulative $4.2 billion in federal and private student loans, making the Treasure State the 39th highest in the nation. According to Student Loan Hero, a subsidiary of Lending Tree, in Montana alone there are more than 100,000 borrowers juggling an average balance of 30,866 with monthly payments averaging $251. Montana’...