
Former Russia Ambassador Speaks On Current Conflict At UM

Former U.S. Ambassador to Russia and Glasgow-born Michael McFaul recently spoke at the University of Montana’s Mansfield Institute to discuss a range of topics including Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. He believes Vladimir Putin underestimated its resistance and is now changing Russia’s plans.

Sen. Tester Introduces Legislation To Hamper Russia’s Digital Assets

Senator Jon Tester has introduced the Digital Asset Sanctions Compliance Enhancement Act to ensure Russia doesn’t use digital assets to undermine economic sanctions against them following its invasion of Ukraine. Tester has said any actions taken by the United States should not unintentionally impact the rest of Europe.

Sen. Tester Warns Of Excessive Sanctions Against Russia

Wednesday Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelenskyy talked to the U.S. Congress asking for them to send more help to Ukraine for its fight against Russia including further sanctions. Senator Jon Tester agrees with the further crippling of Russia’s economy but not without some reservations.

Montana Veterans Agree With Keeping Troops Out Of Ukraine

The U.S. hit Russia with severe economic sanctions and supplied Ukraine with billions of dollars in resources but has not sent over any military troops to aid them in the conflict. Montana veteran Chris Enget who works with the nonprofit Concerned Veterans for America agrees saying it would be the wrong course of action.

Senator Tester Approves Of Increased Domestic Oil Drilling

As the Biden administration looks to other foreign countries to make up for gaps in America’s oil supply resulting from the ban on Russian energy imports some congressmen are calling for more domestic production. Senator Jon Tester is among those in favor of this approach as opposed to approaching nations like Iran and Venezuela.