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Montana Sees Big Early Numbers From Marijuana Sales

Treasure State dispensaries had $1,566,980 million in recreational marijuana sales last weekend racking up $313,396 in tax revenue from a 20% tax on sales. Another $17,305 came in from a 4% tax on medical marijuana sales worth $417,305. The Department of Revenue’s Cannabis Control Division tallied a combined total almost $2 million with ...

Recreational Marijuana Sales Begin In Montana

Recreational marijuana sales begin January 1st in Montana just two weeks after the Department of Revenue which finalized its last package of administrative rules. After the nearly two decades of ramifications from the poor regulations initially set up for the medical marijuana industry in 2004 the Montana Department of Revenue wanted to get it...

Montana Lawmakers Finalize Recreational Marijuana Law For New Year

After the voters approved its legalization statewide, recreational marijuana is due to become state law at the start of the new year. State Senator Shane Morgieau recently reflected on working out the law’s details this year on Voices of Montana.

Montana Set To Legalize Recreational Marijuana Jan. 1

With legal recreational marijuana sales to begin Saturday in Montana knowing what you can possess is important. A person is allowed up to 1 ounce of marijuana. Possession of more than 1 but less than 2 ounces could mean a possible $500 fine for a third or subsequent offense. Possession of any greater amount remains a felony as it was before th...

Cannabis Laws Re-worked Ahead Of Legalization

Reworked cannabis rules proposed by the Montana Department of Revenue were approved Monday by state lawmakers. They will require outdoor grow operations to remain at the same size. Providers are not permitted to develop new outdoor grow facilities although outdoor sites that were in place before the 2020 election have been grandfathered in. La...

Montana Municipalities Beginning To Decide On Marijuana Laws

With Montana’s marijuana market due to open up in five months, Montana towns must now figure out what legal cannabis will look like in their communities. Voters legalized general use cannabis during last year’s elections while this year’s legislature sorted out details during its most recent session, but now determining zoning districts, subje...