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State Energy Customers Requesting Investments In Renewables

Nearly 10,000 customers have signed a letter to NorthWestern Energy’s CEO Bob Rowe urging him to invest in renewable resources. Ann Hedges with the Montana Environmental Information Center says there is growing discontent with the utility company’s decision to build a methane-gas power plant in Laurel near Billings. Estimated to cost more than...

Energy Customers Pushing For Increased Use Of Renewable Energy In Montana

Customers of Montana’s utility NorthWestern Energy have urged the company in an open letter to commit to renewable energy and move away from fossil fuels. Ann Hedges with the Montana Environmental Information Center says there is growing discontent with the company for its decision to build a methane-gas power plant in Laurel and its resource ...

Laurel Power Plant Development Stalls

NorthWestern Energy’s plans to build a gas-fired power plant have stalled in Laurel where neighbors say the generator will ruin their quality of life. Last week the Laurel City Council delayed votes critical to the plant’s development and formed a fact-finding commission. NorthWestern has conveyed the importance of the gas plant, telling the C...

Environmental Groups File Lawsuit Against Montana DEQ

The Montana Environmental Information Center and Sierra Club have filed a lawsuit against the Montana Department of Environmental Quality. They say it ignored the state’s Constitution when permitting a NorthWestern Energy gas-fired power plant in Laurel. They cite the power plant’s contribution to local air and water pollution and withou...

Laurel’s Power Station Meets DEQ Standards Prior To Construction

The Montana Department of Environmental Quality has released the air quality permit for NorthWestern Energy’s proposed generating station in Laurel with constriction estimated to begin in April 2022 with about 12 months to construct. It will contain 18 9.7 megawatt electrical reciprocating internal combustion engines an emergency back-up diese...

NorthWestern Energy Announces New Laurel Power Plant

NorthWestern Energy will build a $250 million 175-megawatt gas fired power plant in Laurel as part of a plan to add 325 megawatts of dispatchable power to its Montana portfolio. It will include a 50-megawatt battery storage project and a five-year agreement to buy 100 megawatts of hydropower. Montana State University College students as part o...