Jim Matheson

Live From The 2022 NRECA PowerXchange Part 2


Rural electric cooperatives across Montana and the entire country are gathered to celebrate past successes and discuss ideas on how they can all better serve their communities going forward at the annual National Rural Electric Cooperative Cooperation PowerXchange. Click below to hear our second day of coverage at the event featur...

Interview With NRECA CEO Jim Matheson


Voices of Montana Host Tom Schultz and Northern Broadcasting System President Taylor Brown sit down with National Rural Electric Cooperative Cooperation CEO Jim Matheson to discuss this year’s PowerXchange along with the unique issues and challenges individual cooperatives across the nation are currently facing.

Rural Electric CO-OP Leaders Meet In Nashville

The National Rural Electric Cooperative Associations’ annual meeting is taking the place in Nashville Tennessee where the Montana’s electric cooperative leaders can make valuable professional connections with others share best practices discuss today’s critical issues and set practical agendas for moving the industry forward. North...