
Coutts Port Of Entry Re-opens For Traffic

The Coutts port of entry with Canada resumed operations Tuesday after a protest against vaccine mandates by truckers had largely halted traffic for two weeks. Montana shipping companies found ways around the Coutts border across from the Sweet Grass port of entry after being stranded in nearby border towns like Shelby. State Senator Mike Cuffe...

Follow-Up Trucker Rally Planned Near Eureka

The so-called “Freedom Convoy” movement that has swept through Canada over the past few weeks will make its way to the U.S. Saturday where several hundred people are expected to participate in what organizers are calling a “freedom rally” at the Port of Roosville. Participants plan to meet around 12:30 south of Eureka before driving their vehi...

Eureka Superintendent Steps Down

Eureka Superintendent Jim Mepham has announced he will be leaving his position after fifteen years. Northern News Network’s Eric Young with the reason why.

Uncertainty Surrounds Opening Northern Border As Deadline Approaches

Despite the challenges it has put on dual-residency homeowners and foreign travelers there’s still much uncertainty with re-opening the U.S. – Canadian border. Montana State Senator and Eureka resident  Mike Cuffe recently spoke about the biggest hurdle he’s heard about its opening.