The expanded Child Tax Credit will expire Wednesday unless Congress passes the Build Back Better Act affecting tens of millions of families across the country. Without the Child Tax Credit, Montana families will lose more than $824 million in benefits. Over half of Montanans are using Child Tax Credit payments to put food on the table. 28% are...
Montana Ranked In Top 5 Of States Most Dependent On The Federal Government
The personal finance technology company Money Geek has published a report analyzing the states most dependent on federal funding. Currently overall Montana ranks 5th. (pre-COVID-19) Montana ranked first with 29% of the state’s revenue coming from federal funding. For every dollar of federal taxes paid Montana receives $2.25 back. On an annuali...
Missoula Group Advocates For Making Child Tax Credit Permanent
The Federal Child Tax Credit is putting hundreds of dollars into more than 200,000 Montana families’ pockets every month. Groups that advocate for those families say the program appears to be doing what was promised pulling families out of poverty. The head of Child Care Resources in Missoula Kelly Rosenleaf says there are many social problems...