Blackfeet Indian Reservation

Blackfeet Nation Reinstates COVID-19 Restrictions

The Blackfeet Nation announced Monday it was experiencing a COVID-19 outbreak and reported 18 active cases. Responding to the surge in cases, the tribe reinstated its mask mandate for the Blackfeet Reservation, closed tribal offices to the public and suspended all non-essential travel. The tribal community has lost 48 people to the virus. Blac...

Tourist Destinations Across Montana Ready For Summer Influx

Millions of people will head to Glacier National Park this summer after last year’s pandemic caused tourism declines and they will once more be able sightsee and camp nearby on the recently reopened Blackfeet Indian Reservation. The tourists’ return is a relief to the owners of the restaurants campgrounds and hotels forced to shut down last su...

CARES ACT Funds Provide New Digital Infrastructure To BlackFeet Tribe

Access to the digital world requires quality internet service. There are 10,000 people living on the Blackfeet reservation. According to the Bureau of Indian Affairs less than half of the reservation has standard broadband access according to the Bureau of Indian Affairs. Included in the CARES Act passed last year was $38.6 million for the Bla...

Augusta American Legion Will Return For 2021

The U.S. Geological Survey National Groundwater Monitoring Network has awarded a $110,000 contract to the Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology to install groundwater monitoring wells on the Flathead and Blackfeet Reservations and in the Summit Valley near Butte. Additionally about 25 wells in the current statewide observation network will be in...

MSU To Give Screenings To Blackfeet Children Through Grant

The U.S. Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in a case that will determine who is eligible to receive more than $530 million in federal virus relief funding. $8 million was set aside for Native American tribes more than a year ago that hasn’t been distributed. Universal testing and business closures and historically have had limited f...