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ACLU of Montana

ACLU of Montana Argues In Favor Of Legalized Abortions

Like other states lawmaker in Montana have passed bills that would restrict access to abortion. Caitlin Borgmann head of ACLU of Montana says most polls have shown the majority of Montanans believe the medical procedure should be legal in all or most cases.

District Judge Rules In Favor Of Early-Term Abortions In Lawsuit

In 2018 ACLU Montana and the Center for Reproductive Rights filed suit challenging the constitutionality of a Montana law that restricted abortion providers to physicians and physician assistants. Friday, Lewis and Clark County District Court Judge Mike Menahan ruled nurse practitioners and nurse midwives may perform early-term abortions in Mo...

Montana ACLU Files Amicus Brief Challenging Sex-Offender Ruling

The ACLU of Montana Legal Defense and Education Fund and the Center for HIV Law and Policy have filed an Amicus Brief with the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals arguing an individual should not be required to register as a sex offender for engaging in consensual same-sex activity. It argues a ruling made by U.S. District Court Judge Dana Christense...

ACLU Challenges State Of Montana Over Transgender Bill

In court Wednesday, Montana defended a requirement for transgender residents to have surgery and then petition a judge in order to update the sex on their birth certificate while the ACLU of Montana said Senate Bill 280 which the Legislature passed is unconstitutional and the law should be blocked while their lawsuit filed in July progresses. ...

New Law Brings Attention To Rural Voters’ Absentee Ballots

A new Montana law bans the process of collecting other people’s absentee ballots a practice that has been used regularly by some rural voters. Opponents of the law say it will affect vulnerable communities that can’t easily reach a place to drop off their ballots. Alex Rate legal director for the ACLU of Montana says it could even affect someo...