In: Shadow of the Rockies

In cooperation with Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, Western Bear Foundation and Wyoming Outdoorsmen, the Wyoming Game and Fish Department will distribute bear spray to hunters at no cost on Tuesday, Sept. 22 at the rodeo grounds in Cody.


Dusty Lasseter, bear wise coordinator for Game and Fish said 100 cans of bear spray will be given away to hunters or anglers who possess a current Wyoming hunting or fishing license on a first come, first serve basis. The bear spray was purchased with monetary donations from Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, Western Bear Foundation and Wyoming Outdoorsmen. This is the fifth year Game and Fish has partnered with organizations to give away bear spray to hunters and anglers in Cody.


“Bear spray is an effective deterrent in an aggressive bear encounter and we hope this effort continues to raise awareness and remind those recreating in bear country to be prepared and stay safe,” Lasseter said.


The giveaway will begin at 8 a.m. in the front parking lot of the Cody Stampede Grounds (519 West Yellowstone Ave.) in Cody. To receive a can of bear spray, hunters must show a current Wyoming hunting or fishing license. As a precautionary measure to help prevent the spread of COVID-19, those seeking bear spray will be asked to form several lines while staying in their vehicles. Participants will then drive up to a designated area where a volunteer will distribute the bear spray to individuals in their vehicles. Game and Fish personnel will be on hand to direct people on site and maintain safety standards.


“This is a great opportunity for Game and Fish to promote bear safety as many hunters prepare for the fall season,” Lasseter said.