Since 1975 - We Ride For The Brand
In: Shadow of the Rockies

A change in plans…


For those of you who are interested in participating in our upcoming river clean-up, we have a few big changes to announce!



Due to low water flows in the Missouri, we will now be using canoes instead of jet boats for the clean-up. While we won’t have the speed of the jet boats, using canoes will allow us to have a larger volunteer force while maintaining social distancing!



Because of the change of transportation, the clean-up will now take place from Wood Bottom Recreation Area to Coal Banks Landing to allow for a one-day float. This 21.2 mile stretch of river can see a heavy amount of debris washed in from upriver and is need of some TLC.


Additional info:

Due to Covid-19, we will be taking special precautions for this event and limiting the number of volunteers to make sure there is ample space and distancing during the shuttle rides, so make sure you RSVP soon to reserve your spot!


The clean-up will be a great way for volunteers to experience a beautiful part of the river that many people don’t see during their trips through the white cliffs.


We hope you join us for a fun and meaningful day on the river!


If you are interested and have questions email interested in participating or have any questions, please email